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Running Form Mistakes, You Might Be Making Without Even Knowing It

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

The number of people who have said they will start running and then do it only to feel like they have injured their foot, hamstring, or quadricep, and the list goes on, is endless. Although running is easy to start, it is always essential to understand the technical factors that contribute to a successful running experience. When it comes to running, most people focus on speed and distance. However, one of the most important aspects of running is proper form. Unfortunately, many runners make mistakes with their form without even realizing it. These mistakes can lead to inefficiency, discomfort, and even injury. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common running form mistakes and how to correct them.

1) STOP looking at your feet: When running, it’s essential to keep your head up and your gaze forward rather than looking down at your feet. Not only does this help improve your posture and form, but it also allows you to be more aware of your surroundings and any potential hazards on the ground. To avoid looking at your feet, try focusing on a point in the distance and keeping your eyes fixed as you run. You can also practice running with a friend or partner, who can help keep you accountable and remind you to keep your head up. With some practice and mindfulness, you’ll soon be able to run confidently without constantly looking down at your feet.

2) AVOID swinging your hands: Excessive swinging can lead to wasted energy and throw off your balance and form. Ensure that the swinging comes from your shoulders and not the elbow. To avoid swinging your hands, keep your elbows close to your body and your hands relaxed, with your fingers lightly curled. Your arms should swing naturally back and forth, but not too much, and should be kept at waist level. You can also practice running with your arms at your sides or holding them comfortably, like at a 90-degree angle. Many professional runners recommend imagining that you have an egg in each hand as you run to avoid using extra energy.

3) Incorrect running posture! It’s essential to check your posture throughout your run to make sure you’re running safely and efficiently. It’s easy to get caught up in the rhythm of your stride and forget to pay attention to your form. Keep your head up, shoulders relaxed, back straight, and core engaged while running. To engage your core, focus on pulling your belly button towards your spine and maintaining a strong, stable center. Lastly, make sure that your shoulders are aligned with your ears.

4) Avoid Overstriding! Overstriding is a common problem that many runners face. This occurs when a runner extends their leg too far forward when landing, causing their foot to land in front of their body. This puts unnecessary strain on the body and can lead to shin splints, knee pain, and even stress fractures. Overstriding also leads to losing energy as the body has to work harder to push off each step. To avoid over-striding, focus on taking shorter, quicker steps and landing with your foot directly underneath your body. This will help you maintain good form and reduce the risk of injury while improving your running efficiency.

5) Focus on your breathing! Proper breathing techniques can help you maintain a steady pace, reduce fatigue, and increase endurance. When you breathe correctly, you can deliver more oxygen to your muscles, which allows them to work more efficiently. It also helps to prevent side stitches and cramps. By taking deep, controlled breaths, you can stay relaxed and focused. Paying attention to your breathing can also help you stay present in the moment and fully enjoy your run.

6) Stop bouncing! Bouncing while running can lead to unnecessary strain on your joints and muscles, slowing you down and increasing your risk of injury. To avoid bouncing, focus on maintaining a steady, consistent stride length. Make sure your foot strikes the ground lightly. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your arms moving naturally at your sides. Also, pay attention to your breathing and try to exhale as your foot hits the ground. Practicing these techniques can reduce bouncing and improve your overall running form.

By being more mindful of these common running form mistakes, you can improve your efficiency, reduce your risk of injury, and enjoy a more comfortable and enjoyable run!



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Hello, and welcome to my blog! Initially, I started this blog to write and express my thoughts. Little did I know that as I progressed on my 8+ year fitness journey, sharing the knowledge I have gained would become more important than ever. As a gym enthusiast, marathon runner, spartan race competitor, and yogi, I am fascinated by the positive impact that fitness can have on our lives.

When I first started my fitness journey, it was incredibly challenging. There was a lack of resources or too many available resources to help me get started. I found myself feeling lost and overwhelmed. I didn’t know where to turn for guidance or support, and I struggled to find the motivation to keep going despite the obstacles that I faced. But even though it was tough at first, I knew I had to stick with it to achieve my goals. And over time, I began to discover more and more resources that helped me on my journey. From online forums to fitness apps and workout videos, I started to put together a plan that worked for me. And while it wasn’t always easy, I knew the journey was worth it. Today, I’m proud of how far I’ve come, and I know that I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of all the resources I discovered along the way.

Through this blog, my goal is to provide helpful tips, advice, and insights to help you on your journey toward a healthier, happier life. Thank you for joining me on this journey!


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