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The Ultimate Journey: Why I Run Marathons

“Why would you run a marathon?” Friends, family, and curious bystanders have asked me this question countless times. Yet, despite my attempts to articulate the myriad reasons behind my love for long-distance running, there’s always a lingering sense that my answer falls short of truly capturing the essence of why I run these races. My love for long-distance running is not just about the physical challenge or the sense of accomplishment. It’s about the sense of freedom, the connection with nature, and the opportunity to push my limits and discover what I’m truly capable of.

It was during a casual conversation with a friend that the question resurfaced once again. As I shared my excitement about an upcoming marathon, they furrowed their brow in confusion and asked, “But why? What’s the point of putting yourself through all that pain and exhaustion?” I couldn’t help but recall the time when I was struggling to keep up with the pace during a race, and a fellow runner, a complete stranger, offered me a word of encouragement that pushed me to keep going. And though I tried to explain the thrill of the challenge, the sense of accomplishment, and the joy of pushing my limits, I could sense that my words failed to convey the depth of my passion for the sport. I have also come to terms with the fact that not everyone will understand my love for running, which is okay!

Crossing the finish line of a marathon is a tiny part of the entire journey—it’s a transformative journey of self-discovery, a testament to the power of perseverance, and a celebration of the indomitable human spirit. It’s about embracing the discomfort, confronting the doubts, and pushing through the pain to emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient on the other side. My personal journey in long-distance running has been filled with ups and downs. I’ve faced injuries, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt. But each time, I’ve found the strength to get back up and keep going. This resilience, this ability to overcome challenges, is what makes running marathons so rewarding and empowering.

Marathons are undeniably physically demanding, mentally exhausting, and emotionally draining. During one of my marathons, I still remember crying from pain even though I was just a few steps from the finish line. The mix of emotions that I experienced at that moment was overwhelming exhaustion but also a sense of pride and accomplishment. I felt a surge of joy and relief as I crossed the finish line, knowing that I had pushed my body to its limits and finished the race. Yet, in these moments of struggle, I find my greatest clarity and purpose. I shed doubt and insecurity with each step, forging ahead with unwavering determination and resolve. Running has been my sanctuary, and path to finding clarity in times of stress and confusion.

Additionally, the physical benefits of running are undeniable. It improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and boosts the immune system. These health benefits, combined with the mental and emotional rewards, make long-distance running a truly transformative experience.

In the end, the reason why I run marathons is something that defies full articulation in words. It’s a state of being that transcends language and logic. It’s the exhilaration of cresting a hill, the pride of crossing a finish line, and the quiet satisfaction of knowing that I am capable of more than I ever imagined. But it’s also about the journey, the process of setting a goal, working hard, and achieving it. It’s about the friendships I’ve formed, the lessons I’ve learned, and the person I’ve become. This ineffable nature of my passion makes it so deeply personal and profound.

So, why do I run marathons? The answer remains elusive, ineffable, and deeply personal. But perhaps therein lies the beauty of the question itself—because in the pursuit of understanding, we discover the reasons behind our actions, but the essence of who we are and what we aspire to be. It’s in the questioning, the exploration, and the journey that we find our true selves, and that, to me, is the most beautiful part of running marathons.

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About Me

Hello, and welcome to my blog! Initially, I started this blog to write and express my thoughts. Little did I know that as I progressed on my 8+ year fitness journey, sharing the knowledge I have gained would become more important than ever. As a gym enthusiast, marathon runner, spartan race competitor, and yogi, I am fascinated by the positive impact that fitness can have on our lives.

When I first started my fitness journey, it was incredibly challenging. There was a lack of resources or too many available resources to help me get started. I found myself feeling lost and overwhelmed. I didn’t know where to turn for guidance or support, and I struggled to find the motivation to keep going despite the obstacles that I faced. But even though it was tough at first, I knew I had to stick with it to achieve my goals. And over time, I began to discover more and more resources that helped me on my journey. From online forums to fitness apps and workout videos, I started to put together a plan that worked for me. And while it wasn’t always easy, I knew the journey was worth it. Today, I’m proud of how far I’ve come, and I know that I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of all the resources I discovered along the way.

Through this blog, my goal is to provide helpful tips, advice, and insights to help you on your journey toward a healthier, happier life. Thank you for joining me on this journey!


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