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Running Efficiently in the Cold

Running in cold weather can be daunting, especially if you’re unprepared for the harsh conditions. I learned this the hard way when I ran outside the other day, and my face froze, so I could hardly speak. This experience inspired me to research the topic and understand the criteria for running in the cold. When you first think of running in the cold, you might think of wearing all the warm clothing you can to prevent yourself from feeling cold. For me, it was always just putting on my shoes and going out to run, but as I gain more experience with running, I am learning that much more is required to become a successful runner. So, I decided to sit down and research what it takes to become an efficient runner in the cold. Honestly, though, I needed to figure out where to start researching. So I started with the simple question: When is it too cold to run outside? My research taught me that no rules are set for running out in the cold. The cut-off for running in the cold is ultimately a personal choice, and this also depends heavily on how you have adapted to past seasons’ changes. If you categorize yourself as a seasonal runner, getting used to the cold outside may be something you have yet to be used to. On a more generic scale, runners can run comfortably in temperatures right below freezing, which makes this 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 0 degrees Celsius. When temperatures fall below this, many runners find it difficult to run. 

  • Pro Tip: Remember, if you choose your health and well-being over your run, that is NOT you being lazy. Would you rather sit out from a run one day and work out at the gym, or would you risk getting hurt or injured during your outdoor run, preventing you from running for months? There is a fine line between the two! 

Running in the cold and running in general impact each runner differently. Not preparing yourself to run in the cold has many risks that can result in long-lasting injuries. I know that runners always believe we will never get an injury, but it is essential to understand that running outside involves being mindful of the weather. So, for example, with the colder weather, many runners experience frostbite. As per the online dictionary definition, “Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues.” Runners also run the risk of getting hypothermia. As per the online definition, hypothermia is a drop in core body temperature below 35°C (95°F), which occurs when the total loss of body heat exceeds your physiological heat production.

Additionally, rain and snow require a lot more cautiousness when running. These weather conditions also impact the sidewalks and roads as the low temperatures build up ice. It is crucial to approach these runs cautiously and wear the proper running shoes to avoid a falling injury. One wrong move can result in a dangerous slip, leading to broken bones. The wind is another factor to consider, as extreme wind can cause damage to your skin. Just because the sun is out does not mean you are not susceptible to the negative impact of windchill when running outside. Running in the cold can also be very hard on the lungs, which, again, depends on how well-adapted your body is to the cold. Lastly, the winter days mean shorter days, which results in the sun setting earlier. This means it is crucial to wear reflective light to be visible in the dark. 

Okay, let’s move on to how to approach the cold weather. All runners understand that the varying seasons require the ability to adapt. Here are a few tips and tricks to prepare to run in this cold weather: 

1) Let’s start by checking the temperature outside! I have made the mistake of running without checking the weather because I generally define all winter months as cold. However, there are different variations to the cold weather. I try not to check the temperature as it might put me in a negative state of mind even before I run, but it is essential to check the weather so you can dress accordingly! 

2) Stretch indoors before you go outside for your run. Take 10 to 15 minutes indoors to prepare your mind and body for the cold outside. Stretching indoors will also help prevent any muscle injuries due to the cold! This will also give you enough time to mentally prepare yourself to run in the cold. 

3) Make sure you are wearing winter running attire. On one of my runs, I wore incorrect running attire and was SUPER cold after the run, especially since I didn’t have a change of clothing! Running attire does not have to be expensive, nor should it be. You should have the essentials to help you avoid getting sick from your run. The critical running attire to include in your wardrobe is wool-based layers and windproof outer layers – clothing that can absorb sweat. Pay particular attention to the hat, gloves, and socks you use for your runs, as this will impact how your body reacts to the cold weather outside. 

4) Listen to your body! Runners put a lot of pressure on themselves to perform even in freezing temperatures. As mentioned before, everyone reacts to the cold differently; however, it is essential to understand the difference between a little bit of cold vs. not being able to feel your toes due to the cold weather outside. If you are freezing, go inside! This by no means that you are lazy. If anything, you are doing yourself a service by avoiding injury altogether! 

5) Stay hydrated! It can be challenging to tell if you are dehydrated, even in the cold weather. When you run in the cold, your body loses water through sweat and respiration, and you may not feel as thirsty as you would in the heat. But dehydration can still occur, so drinking water before, during, and after your run is essential to keep your body hydrated. 

In conclusion, many runners enjoy running in the cold, but it is crucial to understand that it requires a different approach to running than in other seasons. To run in the cold, you should dress appropriately, be mindful of the weather conditions, and listen to your body. Running in the cold can be challenging, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can enjoy all the benefits of running while keeping yourself healthy. Remember to stay hydrated, wear proper winter running attire, and prioritize your health. With these tips, you can become a successful and efficient runner even in cold weather.



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About Me

Hello, and welcome to my blog! Initially, I started this blog to write and express my thoughts. Little did I know that as I progressed on my 8+ year fitness journey, sharing the knowledge I have gained would become more important than ever. As a gym enthusiast, marathon runner, spartan race competitor, and yogi, I am fascinated by the positive impact that fitness can have on our lives.

When I first started my fitness journey, it was incredibly challenging. There was a lack of resources or too many available resources to help me get started. I found myself feeling lost and overwhelmed. I didn’t know where to turn for guidance or support, and I struggled to find the motivation to keep going despite the obstacles that I faced. But even though it was tough at first, I knew I had to stick with it to achieve my goals. And over time, I began to discover more and more resources that helped me on my journey. From online forums to fitness apps and workout videos, I started to put together a plan that worked for me. And while it wasn’t always easy, I knew the journey was worth it. Today, I’m proud of how far I’ve come, and I know that I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of all the resources I discovered along the way.

Through this blog, my goal is to provide helpful tips, advice, and insights to help you on your journey toward a healthier, happier life. Thank you for joining me on this journey!


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